Salvia involucrata ‘Pink Icicles’
There are more than 900 species of Salvia and Salvia involucrata ‘Pink Icicles’ has candy pink flowers and leaves that are ovate with dark backs and deep green tops. The plant is tolerant of moderate frosts, grows well in full sun to a partly shaded position and responds well to summer watering. An annual prune and a good feed with Osmocote in late summer will keep the plant healthy and vigorous. Flowering from January to June
‘Pink Icicles’ has a loose upright habit and is a large Salvia reaching 1.5m tall. Salvia are closely related to Lavandula and Rosmarinus and as such work well together in the garden. Plant with other Salvia like ‘Megan’s Magic’ or Salvia ‘Crimson and Black’ for a large colourful background hedge or in a large bed of assorted Penstemon and lavender and of course Roses!!!
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